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Computer Generated Photorealisim - A few Amazing Prompts to Get Going

A photorealistic prompt refers to a text prompt that describes a scene or object in such detail and accuracy that it could be used as a reference for a photographer or artist to recreate the image exactly as described.Read More →

Implementing the ThirdWeb Marketplace Contract in Solidity

A Marketplace is a contract where you can buy and sell NFTs, such as OpenSea or Rarible. The Marketplace contract allows users to list NFTs for direct sale or auction. Other users can place offers/bids or buy the NFTs for the specified amount in the listing.Read More →

What is Solidity and why is it important

Solidity is a programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a statically typed, compiled language that runs on the Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVMRead More →

Unlocking the Power of Smart Contracts - 5 Transformative Use Cases

Built on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Their decentralized and tamper-resistant nature brings transparency, efficiency, and trust to a wide range of applicationsRead More →

Creating abstract graphics with WebGL - Code Samples

Creating abstract graphics with WebGL involves manipulating vertices, colors, and shaders to produce unique and visually appealing visualizations.Read More →

Getting Started with Next.js - A Powerful Framework for React

Next.js is a React framework that enables developers to build server-rendered React applications easilyRead More →

Harnessing the Power of WebGL in Next.js A Comprehensive Guide with Code Examples

WebGL or Web Graphics Library is a JavaScript API that enables high-performance 3D graphics rendering in web browsers. It can help create visually stunning and interactive web applicationsRead More →

Integrating Three.js into Next.js A Guide with Sample Code

ThreeJS, when combined with Next.js can open up exciting possibilities for building interactive and immersive web applicationsRead More →

Stanford HAI - Improving Transparency in AI Language Models

Stanfords report on the need for transparency and accountability in llmsRead More →

Upscaling Images - Techniques and Code Sample

AI image upscaling with OpenCVRead More →

What the Heck is a LoRA?

Improving quality of generative AI outputs with LoRAsRead More →

Creative Coding with p5js

Creative coding made easy with p5js including generative code samplesRead More →

How to Create Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) in Python

An overview for creating VAEs in Python on Your Own ContentRead More →

What is RAG? (Reinforcement Learning with Human-AI Collaboration)

RAG Reinforcement Learning with Human-AI Collaboration is a powerful technique for human and machine collaborationRead More →

Variational Autoencoder (VAE) - An Overview

An overview of VAEs, explain their importance, and discuss considerations for implementing them into modern workflows.Read More →

Amazing Prompts for AI Content Generation

Text, image, blog prompt examples for chatGPT, MidJourney or similar toolsRead More →

How to Install ComfyUI

ComfyUI is the most powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI and backend - learn how to install.Read More →

The Art and Science of Image Generation - A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting Visual Masterpieces

How to customize Dall-e and MidJourney for the highest quality outputsRead More →

Code Samples for Customizing ChatGPT for your Business

Training ChatGPT or other LLMs on your company dataRead More →

Unleashing Potential - 10 Real-World Examples of Customizing ChatGPT for Business

Explore 10 real-world examples of customizing ChatGPT for business successRead More →

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